Thursday, April 16, 2020

Why Regular Chimney Cleaning Is Important for Your Fireplace

Chimney cleaning in Auckland is a labour-intensive task, but it is also one of the most important things that needs to be done regularly to keep the home safe, well-maintained, and comfortable. Here are six reasons that will surely convince you to have your chimney professionally cleaned.

Maintain the efficiency and performance of your fireplace

Your chimney is a crucial part of your home heating system, so it has to be properly constructed and regularly cleaned. Dirty chimneys can quickly malfunction, failing to draft hot gasses. In worst-case scenarios, a dirty chimney can even start a fire. This alone is enough reason to make chimney cleaning in Auckland a regular thing.

Prevent chimney fires

Creosote build-up in the inner walls can cause chimney fires. If it has been many years since you last checked your chimney, then you can expect a lot of creosote in there. Enlisting someone experienced in
chimney cleaning in Auckland is a cost-effective and safe way to remove this dangerous chemical compound. Professionals have the right cleaning agents and equipment for the job.

Keep you and your property safe

If the chimney is too dirty, flames and dense smoke will shoot out of it, endangering any combustible parts of your home and even your neighbours
. Chimney fires cause damage to structures, destroy properties, and harm people. The good thing is that you can avoid all these problems and danger by simply cleaning your chimney at least once a year.

Avoid carbon monoxide poisoning

When there are so many obstructions in the chimney, it cannot expel smoke out of the house. Where do you think the smoke will go instead? Back into the house, of course. This is a dangerous situation that may cause carbon monoxide poisoning. So before you light up the fireplace again, have your chimney cleaned and properly inspected by a professional.

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